Tag: passwords

Dancing with Hackers

Dancing with the Stars pro Witney Carson announced on Twitter that her Facebook account had been hacked. Unknown miscreants gained control of Carson’s Facebook through a unique phishing technique and proceeded to upload spamming material to not only her page, but resharing items to other celebrity pages. Now, there are two questions that immediately come […]

Password Syncing: A Remedy to the YAUP Syndrome

Gone are the days  when users worked on a single IT system.  Users today have mastered the art of working with different IT platforms, thanks to the proliferation of apps across  platforms and the urgent need to adapt to technological advancements. Organizations today implement new solutions and apps targeted to solve everyday problems.

2014 Security Year in Review

Whew! Thank goodness 2014 is over! Well, at least if you are considering the year’s security issues, attacks, leaks, and password ​ issues . As a security and Windows Active Directory professional, ​ I feel like I have earned the right and it is the appropriate time to say, “I told you so.” ​ Let me put this into perspective, to prove my point. 2014 financial services firms – $20.8 million lost to breaches 2014 tech companies – $14.5 million lost to breaches 2014 communication providers – $12.7 million lost to breaches Ebay – 150 million user accounts compromised due to phishing attacks, users asked to change password immediately Home Depot – 56 million credit cards compromised US Post Office – 800,000 employees’ confidential data breached Unfortunately, there are many ​ , many more that could be listed

Shell-shocked by shell shock? Bash vulnerability explained.

Having recovered from the recent Heartbleed vulnerabilities we now have another headline grabbing vulnerability to keep us all busy. First let me say that our product should be perfectly safe and secure unless you’ve already shared your passwords or forgotten to run “lbsecure”

Passwords, King of Authentication: Long Live the King!

This post is a reproduction of an article I wrote that was originally published in  Business Computing World . “When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die”. One thing that we have learnt from the popular TV show and books is that no one is safe on the throne for long before a younger, stronger, and more entitled claimant comes along to throw you off

The Honeywords Solution

It’s rare that a week goes by without headlines of data breaches or malware attacks – or the introduction of a solution to stop them in their tracks. The latter is increasingly important, thanks to a rash of exploits on LivingSocial, eHarmony, Sony and Evernote – all part of a long, growing list of high-profile targets. The latest, greatest remedy is what researchers at MIT and RSA have dubbed “honeywords” – a new way to deter hackers from leveraging data…