Tag: adselfservice-plus

ADSelfService Plus: Enhancing IT Security with Self-Service Capabilities

ADSelfService Plus, a pivotal solution by ManageEngine, introduces a new era in identity and access management, targeting the seamless integration of multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and self-service password reset capabilities for remote employees. This innovative platform empowers organizations across various industries to fortify their IT security posture, simplify access control, and enhance user password security, […]

Managing updates to local cached credentials for remote users in a hybrid Active Directory environment

Among the many issues remote users face, forgotten passwords can be a significant roadblock to productivity, as they require help from an administrator. When a user logs on to an Active Directory (AD) domain, Windows securely caches the domain credentials and stores them locally on the user’s machine. This lets a user, especially one who […]

Azure AD Password Protection: The good, the bad, and the ugly

People often use common words as their passwords so they don’t forget them. This practice impacts security severely, making it easy for hackers to easily breach accounts by guessing these common passwords. Microsoft’s Azure AD Password Protection is a feature that aims to help organizations eliminate weak and commonly-used passwords by essentially acting as a […]

Two-factor authentication for secure access to cloud apps in hybrid AD

In an earlier post, we dealt with the benefits of single sign-on (SSO) for cloud apps in hybrid Active Directory (AD). While SSO is good in the sense that it simplifies user access to multiple cloud apps, it doesn’t adequately shield users from compromised credentials. When a user’s password is compromised in an SSO environment, […]

Password Syncing: A Remedy to the YAUP Syndrome

Gone are the days  when users worked on a single IT system.  Users today have mastered the art of working with different IT platforms, thanks to the proliferation of apps across  platforms and the urgent need to adapt to technological advancements. Organizations today implement new solutions and apps targeted to solve everyday problems.

Password synchronization, a crucial step in Cloud IAM

One of the major burdens of allowing enterprise Windows Active Directory users to access cloud applications is managing their identities across multiple applications. When it comes to identity management in a hybrid scenario, there are two major points that you should keep in mind: It is highly efficient to leverage the existing identity management solution used for Windows Active Directory and extend that to cloud applications. It is ideal for the users to have one login for multiple applications.