Tag: self service

XML Converter for Version 6.21 loadbalancer.org appliance

I was tasked last week with creating a long awaited appliance XML updater for Version 6.21 of our appliance which until now has been a matter of offering an upgrade service free of charge to anyone running on Version 6.21 of the loadbalancer.org appliance wishing to upgrade to our latest Version 7.6.2 appliance. We have been telling you our highly valued users of our loadbalancer.org appliance that this could take some time to complete, this was to allow support time to do the conversions.

AD360 – an integrated solution for Active Directory and Exchange Management.

Efficient management of Active Directory and Exchange setup is crucial to the smooth functioning of an organization using Windows. Today’s Identity and Access management (IAM) needs of an organization pose a serious challenge to the IT administrators.