Tag: Load Balancing

Security for Intent-Based Networking

Networks have become more massive and complex than ever before. This year at Cisco Live US, people were talking about managing and defending networks at scale. Chuck Robbins, CEO of Cisco, said that 2.1 billion machine-to-machine connections have been added to the internet in the past year, and 27 billion more connections are expected to […]

A10 Networks/Ixia Discuss The Importance of Performance for Mitigating DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks are devastating because of their large-scale impact. The large botnets send tenacious service requests and a high number of large data packets, all with the goal to render a service…

Micron21 Customer Testimonial

http://www.youtube.com/v/vmXuatnd1-8?version=3&f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata You Can Learn More About the A10 Networks’ Product Line By Going to www.LoadBalancerSolutions.com/A10-Networks The original article/video can be found at Micron21 Customer Testimonial

Black Friday black out protection with HAProxy

The media industry had lots of fun at the expense of e-commerce outlets on Black Friday  mercilessly reporting on site crashes and outages  . My wife yelled that I needed to ‘fix the Internet’ when Argos.co.uk would not respond immediately to her demands on Friday evening.

STunnel Cipher List and Qualys SSL Labs Testing

In the wake of all the recent vulnerabilities we have been working hard to make sure that we give the correct information to our customers. So we decided to setup our latest version of STunnel on our support server (https://support.loadbalancer.org) and test our Cipher Lists with the Qualys SSL Labs site (https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest)

XML Converter for Version 6.21 loadbalancer.org appliance

I was tasked last week with creating a long awaited appliance XML updater for Version 6.21 of our appliance which until now has been a matter of offering an upgrade service free of charge to anyone running on Version 6.21 of the loadbalancer.org appliance wishing to upgrade to our latest Version 7.6.2 appliance. We have been telling you our highly valued users of our loadbalancer.org appliance that this could take some time to complete, this was to allow support time to do the conversions.

Another year, another IP Expo show

We’re dusting ourselves off after exhibiting at IPExpo 2014. A huge thank you to everyone who visited our stand during the two day event. There were some productive discussions, light-hearted fun, and we even talked about load balancing!!! We love the opportunity to get some face-to-face time and felt the show was so good we’ve already booked up for IPExpo 2015

The Poodle SSLv3

So here we go again! SSL is broken once more and this one now leaves us with no SSL Ciphers that we can reliably use in a live production site so I guess this now forces us to use the TLS suite of ciphers which in the past have also had problems. Lets put it this way – if you use any form of SSL ciphers your vulnerable! Qualys have again been quick to update the Qualys SSL Labs Test tool that they provide which is free to use. This will test your SSL Certificate and all the currently usable Ciphers for your site

Shell-shocked by shell shock? I give you “CMD Caret” ^&

There seems to have been so much hype over the recent bash bug, shell shock! And there were all the people  in the Microsoft world thinking YES we are so cool we are NOT affected by it! Yea right I knew it, there had to be something much the same as the bash bug available in CMD.exe It affects the Windows CMD.exe Shell and I will provide a working example of how it can be exploited. It does show the whole hype of the bash bug bearing in mind you need access to the machines shell in the first place