Tag: vpn

Overcoming VPN bandwidth and capacity complications using Firewall Analyzer

As companies move towards a flexible, remote work environment, the demand for VPN services has increased considerably. This need to ramp up VPN infrastructures in such a short time comes with its fair share of operational problems and security concerns. Over purchasing VPN capacity would put a dent in the IT budget while under purchasing […]

How VPN bandwidth monitoring helps retain remote workforce productivity

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought businesses around the globe to their knees. To survive, organizations across verticals are rolling out work-from-home policies. And for effective remote working, it’s imperative to employ VPN connections, as they serve as a conduit for workers to access business-critical data remotely. But when valuable VPN bandwidth is consumed by trivial […]

Apple in 2018, now Tesla—who’s next in the line of internal data leaks?

Recent allegations of an ex-Tesla employee syncing the Autopilot source code to his personal iCloud account is yet another classic case of how poor data security is, even in some of the most technologically advanced organizations. The Tesla leak isn’t even the first time that a data breach of such immense magnitude pertaining to self-driving […]

Managing updates to local cached credentials for remote users in a hybrid Active Directory environment

Among the many issues remote users face, forgotten passwords can be a significant roadblock to productivity, as they require help from an administrator. When a user logs on to an Active Directory (AD) domain, Windows securely caches the domain credentials and stores them locally on the user’s machine. This lets a user, especially one who […]