Tag: security

Five worthy reads: Preparing an incident response plan for the pandemic and beyond

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. With the rising concern over cyberattacks in the distributed workforce, this week we explore the concept of cybersecurity incident response during a pandemic. The new normal of a distributed workforce has given rise to advancements in […]

Are you listening to your logs? Part 3: High disk usage

In the previous blog of this series, we saw how server crashes can be avoided by detecting low disk space in time using logs. In this blog, we’ll talk about another server metric, disk usage, and how it can be linked to cryptojacking. Unlike the percentage of used disk space, disk usage refers to the […]

Are you listening to your logs? Part 1: Slow server response

Loading… Is there a more uninspiring word to encounter while browsing the internet? When a loading screen occurs, statistics show it takes only three seconds for a potential customer to leave your website. Are you listening to your logs? is a blog series that aims to explore logs for insights into potential security and operational […]

How to choose the right compliance management software for your business

While keeping data safe from modern cyberthreats is difficult enough, you also have to keep in mind compliance with common regulations, i.e., ensuring your company’s compliance to SOX, which deals with transparency in disclosures from public companies. Nowadays, it’s not enough for businesses to rely on dismissive financial documents that satisfy the intermittent audit; you […]

[Video Review] Sitting Ducks: When Employees Work from Home

 Hi this is Scott Young from Optrics Engineering and we understand that things are kind of rough out there with the current pandemic. We wanted to start shooting some videos and things that we’re seeing on the networking side that might be of help to those of you out there who are managing their […]

Sitting Ducks: When Employees Work from Home

As the COVID-19 health crisis rages on and millions of workers and students move to working from home (WFH) and online distance education, no one should make the error of thinking that working and learning from the comfortable and familiar surroundings of home somehow makes these employees and students safe. They are not safe. If […]

Ransomware Attack On Wool Industry Halted Sales Across Australia Last Week

It is yet to be seen how a cyber attack which shut down wool sales last week will affect growers in Tasmania. Last Tuesday Talman Software, which is used by the majority of wool industry across Australia and New Zealand, was the victim of a ransomware attack. The attack prevented brokers from being able to […]

IT security: PowerShell as a cyberattack tool

Tools and features introduced with the intention of benefiting and empowering an organization can sometimes end up being misused. PowerShell is a classic example. PowerShell is a more powerful command-line interface that combines the old Command Prompt (CMD) functionality with a built-in scripting environment that can be leveraged to gain unprecedented access to a machine’s […]

ManageEngine recognized as best cloud security vendor

We’re pleased to announce that ManageEngine has been recognized as the best cloud security vendor in the Tahawul Tech Future Security Awards 2019, held in Dubai. Tahawul Tech is a leading digital technology publication in the Middle East, and the Future Security Awards honor companies in the region that have delivered cutting-edge security solutions. With more than 150 […]