Tag: cybersecurity

Why implementing Zero Trust is more important than ever before

By Sree Ram Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we explore why organizations should implement Zero Trust in 2021. In 2010, John Kindervag introduced the concept of “Zero Trust” which has become a touchstone for cyber resilience and persistent security. […]

10 essential cybersecurity tips for beginners

By Raghav Iyer Organizations today are challenged by an increased exposure to cyber threats. Attackers often target emerging technologies since the new technology is often ill-equipped to handle an attack. Moreover, the internet has become filled with malicious links, Trojans, and viruses. The pressure to keep up with the new and emerging technologies often coerces […]

FBI Obtains Authorization to Access US Servers to Remove Webshells Due to Exchange Vulnerability

Your server could have been compromised and the FBI was trying to mitigate the issue without you even knowing it yet. Yesterday the Department of Justice revealed in a statement that the FBI was granted access to remove web shells that were installed on compromised web servers. These web servers are related to the Microsoft […]

Five worthy reads: The unexpected costs following a cyberattack

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll learn about the worst data breaches that happened recently, their impact, and the cost of data breaches for companies. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had an impact on the mental and […]

Ransomware in 2021: What has changed? Detection and mitigation strategy

A ransomware attack is a bug that we can’t shake off. Or perhaps, it can even be called a shape-shifter that somehow finds a way into networks, no matter how many armed sentries you’ve deployed in and around your perimeter. The line between ransomware and a data breach is slowly fading. Threat actors prefer ransomware […]

Five worthy reads: Understanding quantum computing and its impact on cybersecurity

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this week’s edition, let’s explore how quantum computing works and how it impacts cybersecurity. Quantum physics describes the behavior of atoms, and fundamental particles like electrons and photons. A quantum computer operates by controlling the […]

Dangerous defaults that put your IT environment at risk: IT security under attack

In this blog in the “IT security under attack” series, we wanted to shed some light on an unfamiliar and seldom discussed topic in IT security: the default, out-of-the-box configurations in IT environments that may be putting your network and users at risk. Default settings, and why the initial configuration is not the most secure […]

Five worthy reads: Supply chain cyberwarfare

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week we are exploring the concept of supply chain cybersecurity in a time when there is a rising number of third-party cyberattacks. The top-of-the-mind priority for cybersecurity stakeholders is to secure the organizations’ IT assets […]

IT security under attack: Credential dumping attacks in Windows environments

Most of the time, threat actors in the cybersecurity landscape don’t employ advanced techniques and tools to intrude and establish a foothold within networks. Often, they disguise malicious operations by mimicking the activities of legitimate users, leaving behind little to no footprint. Blending malicious actions with day-to-day IT activities helps attackers maintain a low profile […]

World Economic Forum: COVID Makes Cybersecurity Problem No. 1

The WEF just published their recent survey over worldwide corporate leaders. When asked about technology objectives that have become a greater priority due to COVID, they elevated information security to the No. 1 position, with business continuity and resilience following right after. These days, that’s practically all in the IT domain. Here is a list […]