Tag: fbi

FBI Obtains Authorization to Access US Servers to Remove Webshells Due to Exchange Vulnerability

Your server could have been compromised and the FBI was trying to mitigate the issue without you even knowing it yet. Yesterday the Department of Justice revealed in a statement that the FBI was granted access to remove web shells that were installed on compromised web servers. These web servers are related to the Microsoft […]

Beware! The FCC Releases Audio Samples of Coronavirus Phone Scams

Scammers sink to a new low with these phone scams preying on the fears of U.S. citizens offering hopes of better protecting themselves from the Coronavirus. We’ve all received robocalls by now, but a new group of calls centered around the coronavirus has received the attention of the FCC. Covering a wide range of themes, […]

FBI Warns of Stimulus Check Scams

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) issued an alert warning of coronavirus-related phishing attacks, particularly surrounding economic stimulus checks. The news that the US government is likely to send upwards of $1,000 to most Americans has created a golden opportunity for scammers, especially since the delivery method for the cash is still uncertain. “Look […]

Spoofing the Boss Turns Thieves a Tidy Profit

Judy came within a whisker of losing $315,000 in cash belonging to her employer, a mid-sized manufacturing company in northeast Ohio. Judy’s boss had emailed her, asking her to wire the money to China to pay for some raw materials. The boss, who was traveling abroad at the time, had requested such transfers before — at even higher amounts to manufacturers in China and elsewhere — so the request didn’t seem unusual or suspicious

Silk Road Raising Questions About Government Spying (Again)

It’s a case that’s captured everyone’s attention — pirates, drug trafficking, hit men, government intrigue. By now, few people haven’t heard about Silk Road, run by the now notorious Dread Pirate Roberts, a pseudonym from the film “The Princess Bride.” It’s an interesting next chapter to perhaps the biggest news story of 2013 — Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA cyber snooping