Tag: compliance

Five worthy reads: Distributed cloud is the future of cloud computing

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. Distributed cloud allows organizations to bring cloud computing closer to their location. This week we look at why it’s the future of cloud computing. By David Simon Distributed cloud computing enables organizations to distribute cloud services […]

Email Archiving vs. Backups – The Critical Differences

Despite the availability of many other communication tools, the email remains the most important means of communication for companies around the world. But are companies really always aware that their emails can contain business-critical data that need to be preserved and kept available in the long term? Email compliance regulations are constantly growing and so […]

How to choose the right compliance management software for your business

While keeping data safe from modern cyberthreats is difficult enough, you also have to keep in mind compliance with common regulations, i.e., ensuring your company’s compliance to SOX, which deals with transparency in disclosures from public companies. Nowadays, it’s not enough for businesses to rely on dismissive financial documents that satisfy the intermittent audit; you […]

Is your business PCI DSS compliant?

How Chooseus Life Insurance lost its customers’ cardholder details and their trust In August 2019, reporters began flocking to Chooseus Life Insurance’s head office in Detroit after news leaked that thousands of the company’s customers had lost money due to a security breach. The CEO of this life insurance company released the following statement: “We […]

[LEGAL ALERT] What You May Have Overlooked in the Run Up to CCPA Compliance

LAW.COM had a very good reminder that you really need to keep in mind. Here is an extract: “With just days to go before the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) compliance date, some companies may be scrambling to get their data collection and management processes in order. “Others, however, might be taking a wait-and-see approach […]

Protective, GPG13-Compliant Monitoring Using EventLog Analyzer

​ The journey to a thousand IT problems begins with a single compliance lapse. Yes, this is the first time you are hearing it! So, tell us how often you’ve walked straight into trouble because you underestimated the importance of compliance