Tag: siem

Stay One Step Ahead of Threats with ManageEngine Log360: The Ultimate Security Solution

Introduction to ManageEngine Log360 and SIEM As the digital landscape continues to evolve, organizations are faced with an increasing number of security threats. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, the consequences of a security incident can be devastating. That’s why staying ahead of threats is crucial for the success and survival of any business. One […]

Five worthy reads: Preparing an incident response plan for the pandemic and beyond

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. With the rising concern over cyberattacks in the distributed workforce, this week we explore the concept of cybersecurity incident response during a pandemic. The new normal of a distributed workforce has given rise to advancements in […]

Why following NIST guidelines will strengthen your SIEM framework

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a federal, non-regulatory agency funded by the United States Department of Commerce. It aims to provide security guidelines, quality standards, and more for various industries. NIST publishes a cybersecurity framework that many organizations adhere to while creating their identity and access management (IAM), or security information […]

5 tips to avoid cyberattacks on EdTech platforms

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, many educational institutions have been forced to shift their on-campus classes to online classes. Various EdTech platforms have also launched free classes that have prompted students to try their hands on digital education. With more students turning to online learning than ever, these platforms have emerged as a lucrative […]

Breach notification requirements of POPIA: The importance of SIEM

A crucial aspect of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) is the notification of security compromises—unauthorized exposures of personal data—to the authorities and the data subjects in concern. Notification of data breaches is mandated by several data protection regulations around the world—from the EU (the GDPR) to the United States (the CCPA), Brazil, the […]

ManageEngine named in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management four years running!

The cybersecurity market is ever-changing and primarily driven by sophisticated cyberattacks, disruptive technological growth, and stringent data protection regulations like the GDPR and CCPA. We are constantly evolving our solutions to meet these dynamic market needs. We believe our recognition in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for security information and event management (SIEM) for the fourth […]

Special Directive on Domain Name System (DNS) Compromise

Last week the USA’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sent out a directive for all agencies to upgrade their Domain Name System (DNS) security in light of a wave of Iranian hack attempts specifically targeted at compromising DNS. The compromise The Iranian cyber-criminals attempted (it’s unknown if they succeeded), to figure out through DNS records […]

Threat Intelligence – Real or Hype?

Threat intelligence, we keep hearing about it from security vendors, but what is it really? Is it hype or marketing speak that will be promoted by those without a real grasp of what it means, or is it the real deal? One problem in defining threat intelligence is that one person’s threat intelligence is not […]

Five cybersecurity best practices to follow in 2019

Research by Cybersecurity Ventures predicts ransomware alone will cost businesses around the world more than $11.5 billion in 2019. What’s worse, this same study also predicts businesses will experience a cyberattack every 14 seconds by 2019, up from once every 40 seconds in 2016. So what can you do to mitigate the increasing threat of […]

Are you wasting money on this common cybersecurity investment?

A wasted investment is the last thing any organization needs, yet the cost of a cybersecurity solution doesn’t necessarily equate to value. Consider Security Information and Event Management, or SIEM tools for example. Dark Reading points out that the tool itself is not the key factor in the effectiveness – it must be properly configured […]