Tag: enterprise-it-management

2019 at a glance: Looking back on a journey of transformation

Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” As another decade draws to a close, we at ManageEngine, started to reminisce about the roller coaster of a ride that began 20 years back. As 2019 winds […]

Why IT Dollars Will Go Further on Google’s Floating Data Center

Is Google preparing another “ moon shot ”? The barge discovered in the San Francisco Bay this week hints at it, and rampant speculation has Google building a floating data center. Google hasn’t confirmed any ties to the barge, but many observers find it more than coincidental that the company filed for a floating data center  patent  in 2008.

5 Reasons You Should Consider Application-Aware Network Performance Management

In today’s complex business environment, the first question thoughtful IT leaders ask when considering any new IT investment or change is, ‘How will it impact the business?’ That the business depends on well-managed IT is well understood. What is less well understood is how an IT organization can manage an infrastructure that is growing ever more complex. It’s not just the network infrastructure that IT teams need to consider; it’s not even the increasingly complex application infrastructure that stands between the physical network infrastructure and the users. The challenge today involves the effective management of both these infrastructures as well the interplay between them — and it’s the interplay between them that poses the greatest challenge. Application-aware network performance management (AA-NPM) tools can help you overcome that challenge.