Tag: apm

Manage IT on the go with our incredibly effective mobile apps

Even an insignificant network issue can wreck havoc on your IT infrastructure when left unmanaged. This makes it vital that your IT team is alerted instantly whenever an issue arises, so they can troubleshoot it quickly, and ensure network stability. However, IT teams aren’t sitting at their desks waiting for problems to happen. It’s not […]

Minimize business losses by monitoring your applications’ performance

Downtime is the biggest nightmare for organizations that capitalize on technology. A study about enterprise outages found that nearly 96 percent of enterprises had faced downtime in the past three years. Businesses lose a minimum of $1.55 million annually and 545 hours of staff time due to IT downtime. Up to 51 percent of downtime […]

Top metrics to look out for while monitoring Node.js applications

Applications built on the Node.js platform, an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on Google Chrome’s V8 engine, are known as Node.js applications. Since both the server-side and the client-side are written in JavaScript, Node.js facilitates easier and faster implementation of codes, and processes requests quickly and simultaneously; this is greatly beneficial for building real-time […]

Progress Is Good – Applications Manager Is Now a Challenger

​ Recent enhancements a nd i ncreased customer acceptance have plac ed Applications Manager as a Challenger in * Gartner’s   APM -Magic Quadrant 2014. Over the last few years, changes in the business landscape have accelerated the adoption of application performance management ( APM ) in  organizations.

Top Tips for IT Job Seekers, APM Business Benefits, and More

“ Five top tips for job-seeking IT graduates “ presents the job skills Raj Sabhlok, president of ManageEngine, believes will get you employed. Australia’s  Technology Spectator  apparently agrees because the magazine covered Raj’s article.

5 Reasons You Should Consider Application-Aware Network Performance Management

In today’s complex business environment, the first question thoughtful IT leaders ask when considering any new IT investment or change is, ‘How will it impact the business?’ That the business depends on well-managed IT is well understood. What is less well understood is how an IT organization can manage an infrastructure that is growing ever more complex. It’s not just the network infrastructure that IT teams need to consider; it’s not even the increasingly complex application infrastructure that stands between the physical network infrastructure and the users. The challenge today involves the effective management of both these infrastructures as well the interplay between them — and it’s the interplay between them that poses the greatest challenge. Application-aware network performance management (AA-NPM) tools can help you overcome that challenge.

Microsoft Exchange Server® Monitoring Best Practices

Learn more about monitoring the performance and health of your Microsoft Exchange Server: www.solarwinds.com Exchange exposes so many performance counters – how do you know what is important to monitor and what thresholds are optimal for your environment? And what do you do when something goes wrong?

What’s New in SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor?

Dowload SAM now: bit.ly Application Performance Monitor changes names and will now be referred to as Server & Application Monitor. Along with the name change, this release also includes server hardware monitoring and real-time process monitoring, which serve to reinforce the emphasis on server monitoring. As part of a well-rounded monitoring strategy, SAM will now allow you to monitor the memory, cpu, fans, power, etc to ensure servers are kept alive.