Tag: netflow analyzer

Manage IT on the go with our incredibly effective mobile apps

Even an insignificant network issue can wreck havoc on your IT infrastructure when left unmanaged. This makes it vital that your IT team is alerted instantly whenever an issue arises, so they can troubleshoot it quickly, and ensure network stability. However, IT teams aren’t sitting at their desks waiting for problems to happen. It’s not […]

DDoS Attack Detection Using NetFlow Analyzer

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is basically a flood of illegitimate traffic that is sent to a network resource from an IP address or a group of IP addresses, rendering the network resource unavailable. A DDoS attack is a serious security threat facing all types of networks, from the simplest enterprise network to the most complex corporate network. Fortunately, NetFlow Analyzer can help you detect DDoS attacks and mitigate the harm they might otherwise cause

Quality of Service (QoS): A Good Traffic Engineering Component

Today, we commonly see IT budget reduction, cost cutting, and barriers for potential network circuit upgrades. In this tough economic situation, the motive of a network administrator should be optimizing the current infrastructure for future accommodations.

Identifying Layer 7 application traffic

Network administrators around the globe are very concerned about the type of traffic that is exiting their network. They want their critical business application over the WAN to perform at its best. Non-critical applications like web traffic and social media downgrade the performance of WAN links.

This Week’s Five: Tune Your Bandwidth

This Week’s Five  is the column where we bring to you a collection of five interesting reads from all over the web, with a different topic every week. This week, we are exploring  the importance of bandwidth and traffic flow  in the enterprise’s network.

All New Distributed Edition of NetFlow Analyzer

Until 2012, NetFlow Analyzer’s Enterprise edition benefited ISPs, MSPs and large organizations that had distributed network architecture, in monitoring their bandwidth. Any organization with less than 600 interfaces and want to monitor all of them by installing product on Head Quarters data center can go with Professional and Professional Plus Edition which has integrated collectors and reporting engine which collects the data and generate reports. The Enterprise edition was majorly used by organizations that had a distributed architecture and monitoring was done by means of Central server and multiple collectors across different sites in the same network.

Congrats Lotus F1 Team for winning the Australian Grand Prix

The road to victory is never easy. Taking a treacherous path with grit powers one to the mantle of success. It also requires one to take the most correct decisions at the most correct moment and as far as their IT needs are concerned, they did! We proudly congratulate the Lotus F1 team, that places great faith in us for their IT needs, for their victory in the Australian GP.

Cisco Performance Monitoring using NetFlow Analyzer.

Cisco Performance Monitor helps you to identify performance issues on the network, Now a days Video is every where and when it comes to corporate network, it has to be treated in such a way that it is with high quality as expected. An organization considering implementation of Video conferencing or any video streaming should also consider that this will increase significant load on the network. The network should be capable enough to handle this additional load along with existing load.