Tag: Applications Manager

Best practices for your cloud monitoring strategy

With the advent of cloud technologies, there has been a major shift in the way organizations handle infrastructure operations and service delivery. The increasing shift towards cloud-based and hybrid cloud ecosystems for business operations has made it necessary for organizations to employ cloud monitoring tools that monitor the performance and efficiency of these cloud-hosted services. […]

Minimize business losses by monitoring your applications’ performance

Downtime is the biggest nightmare for organizations that capitalize on technology. A study about enterprise outages found that nearly 96 percent of enterprises had faced downtime in the past three years. Businesses lose a minimum of $1.55 million annually and 545 hours of staff time due to IT downtime. Up to 51 percent of downtime […]

GCP monitoring and alerting with Applications Manager

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google, launched in 2008. It is a powerful cloud platform that offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service, and serverless computing environments. Many companies are now using GCP to build, modernize, and scale their businesses. GCP monitoring with Applications Manager […]

Top metrics to look out for while monitoring Node.js applications

Applications built on the Node.js platform, an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on Google Chrome’s V8 engine, are known as Node.js applications. Since both the server-side and the client-side are written in JavaScript, Node.js facilitates easier and faster implementation of codes, and processes requests quickly and simultaneously; this is greatly beneficial for building real-time […]

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure monitoring with Applications Manager

Oracle launched its Generation 2 Cloud Infrastructure in 2018. This second-generation cloud platform is designed to help companies run their most challenging workloads securely. Its ability to run Oracle Autonomous Database makes it the first self-driving platform in the industry. It uses the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to provide a high performing […]

How Atlantic Health System tackles applications monitoring with ManageEngine

Atlantic Health System (AHS), an organization that serves more than half the state of New Jersey, including 11 counties and 4.9 million people, runs and supports seven award-winning hospitals that provide world-class health services and patient experiences. They aim to deliver state-of-the-art care at low costs using innovation and technology. The challenge AHS faced AHS […]

Helping IT admins tackle commonly encountered web application issues

Unless there’s been a huge breakthrough in technology that proves beneficial to employees, or something goes wrong that affects the business’ typical work processes, IT teams’ efforts often go unnoticed. Since significant breakthroughs are few and far between, more often than not, when someone’s contacting IT, it’s with a problem. Why the seamless operation of […]

KPIs to monitor for optimal SQL Server performance

As you may know, Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. Several industries rely on SQL database servers for data storage and access because it supports a wide range of transaction processing, business intelligence, and analytics applications in corporate IT environments. To have a fine-tuned SQL Server system, a […]

​IntraLinks Leverages Full Feature Set of Applications Manager

​”The complexity of APM solutions will continue to decrease , making them lower cost and easily implemented.” Jonah Kowall Research Director in Gartner’s IT Operations Research Group ​”Smaller [APM] boxes/solutions ​with less features but advanced capabilities and an emphasis on ease of use, to target mission critical pain points, will do well in the wider market.” Michael Azoff Principal Analyst, Ovum Towards the end of 2013, Gartner, Ovum, and other industry experts sounded the death knell for monolithic, end-to-end APM solutions with exhaustive feature sets. With an alarming degree of certainty, the experts heralded the rise of “small-box, point solutions.” Meanwhile, ManageEngine’s Applications Manager held its own as an end-to-end solution in the global APM industry