Tag: economy

A10 CEO Lee Chen on CNBC: The Cybersecurity Cat and Mouse Game

The frequency, size and volume of cyberattacks will increase in 2018, said A10 Networks CEO Lee Chen during an appearance this week on CNBC. Expect more and larger hacking cases next year from CNBC. According to Chen, 2018 will see a rise in the amount of financially and politically motivated attacks and especially DDoS attacks. […]

Instant Billing Report in NetFlow Analyzer

During these rough economic times that we are currently going through, every single penny spent on enhancements, upgrades in the network to accommodate future demand is questioned. To make do with the existing resources with cost-cutting in mind is the most ideal solution until the economy recovers. This mindset has a direct implication on every organization and, eventually, every department within it.

ITAM – a key step in reducing operations costs

Economy is not in your control, your organization’s operation costs are! The economy curve isn’t exactly going north and it is important for you, as an asset manager, to contribute for reducing operations cost. In a recent article by Gartner titled “10 Key Actions to Reduce IT Infrastructure and Operations Costs by as Much as 25 Percent”, one of the key steps mentioned was IT Asset Management (ITAM). “ITAM by itself doesn’t reduce I&O costs; however, it is a very effective tool to identify and assess cost reduction opportunities.” IT Asset management is not only a business practice of discovering and monitoring the assets, it encapsulates much more than that – cost monitoring, history, contracts management, notifications, software asset and license management, to name a few