Tag: security solutions

Security tips by Dave Malarky, CEO: Supercomputers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oysh35-zAdA You don’t need a (possibly evil) supercomputer to guard against cyber threats like hackers. Let Sophos protect you instead Click HERE to learn more about Sophos’ security solutions!

Security tips by Dave Malarky, CEO: Kung Fu

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOj7R6_9tzs You don’t need a Kung Fu Master Click HERE to learn more about Sophos’ security solutions!

Reduce the Risk of Data Breach by Focusing on Compromised Credentials

The bad guys can’t do anything on your network without access. That’s why they focus their efforts on gathering as many sets of credentials as possible. You should focus there too. The cybercriminals don’t just want to get onto a user’s endpoint and simply stop there; their goal is most commonly to monetize the attack […]

Security tips by Dave Malarky, CEO: Shredding vs Encrypting

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRabfR41z3U Don’t lose anymore ties to shredding. Click HERE to learn more about Sophos’ security solutions!

Security tips by Dave Malarky, CEO: Siri

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D66NqBJk4Q Don’t rely on Siri to eliminate ransomware. Click HERE to learn more about Sophos’ security solutions!

Security tips by Dave Malarky, CEO: Time Machine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOanjvMb8X4 You won’t need a time machine to get out of a ransomware attack, but you will need Sophos. Click HERE to learn more about Sophos’ security solutions!

Security tips by Dave Malarky, CEO: Wi-Fi

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8h4IQqb40Y You don’t need to resort to an air tube system. It’s okay to use Wi-Fi. Sophos will protect you. Click HERE to learn more about Sophos’ security solutions!

A10 CEO Lee Chen on CNBC: The Cybersecurity Cat and Mouse Game

The frequency, size and volume of cyberattacks will increase in 2018, said A10 Networks CEO Lee Chen during an appearance this week on CNBC. Expect more and larger hacking cases next year from CNBC. According to Chen, 2018 will see a rise in the amount of financially and politically motivated attacks and especially DDoS attacks. […]