Category: Featured

Trojan Phishing Attacks By North Korean Hackers Are Attempting To Steal Bitcoin

Researchers at Secureworks report Trojan malware is being distributed in phishing emails using the lure of a fake job ad. A prolific cyber criminal gang with links to North Korea is targeting employees at cryptocurrency firms in a bid to steal bitcoin. The spear-phishing attacks are thought to be the work of The Lazarus Group, […]

A10 CEO Lee Chen on CNBC: The Cybersecurity Cat and Mouse Game

The frequency, size and volume of cyberattacks will increase in 2018, said A10 Networks CEO Lee Chen during an appearance this week on CNBC. Expect more and larger hacking cases next year from CNBC. According to Chen, 2018 will see a rise in the amount of financially and politically motivated attacks and especially DDoS attacks. […]

Microsoft Patch Tuesday December 2017 updates

Microsoft Patch Tuesday December 2017 has finally arrived, with a list of 34 critical security updates covering seven different Microsoft products. We know you’re probably ready for some hard-earned time off, but be sure to deploy all of these latest patches before you get wrapped up with the holidays. Security updates Microsoft Patch Tuesday December […]