Tag: internet

Astaro IPsec Client V10.23 released

This new release adds FIPS certification and provides some bug fixes.   New Features The new release V10.23 of the Astaro IPsec Client offers the following major new features against the Astaro IPsec Client version 10.22 (and against version 9.22 of the Astaro Secure Client):   FIPS inside The IPsec Client has a cryptographic algorithm according to the FIPS standard.

A10 Networks Corporate Video

See all of A10 Networks’ videos at www.a10networks.com A10 Networks, one of the fastest growing companies in Silicon Valley, is headquartered in San Jose, California. A10 Networks solves business problems through the use of cutting-edge networking and security technologies

I don’t need to filter web traffic, I trust my employees

I occasionally hear this argument against the use of web content filtering and it is great to hear- but things aren't that simple. Part of the reason managers and employers can trust their employees is that they have built a good working environment, where employees work together and get their jobs done with minimal supervision.

A conversation on email archiving and compliance

More and more industries are being asked to archive their e-mail communication due to legal or industrial compliance regulations. As organizations begin to examine e-mail archiving there are a few questions they should ask about compliance before selecting a product

Risks of forgoing security outweigh the cost savings

When operating a small or even a medium sized business there are certain technologies your business can not do without – no matter what market your business is in. However, because of their size, many organizations forgo purchasing these essential business functions due to budgetary reasons. Depending on the type of technology, the organization may be able to get by without these tools, but there are technologies that no organization can do without.