Tag: Spam

German Health Authorities Lose €1.5 Million in COVID-19 Mask Purchase Scam

Reaching an all-new low, an international team of individuals setup an elaborate online scam taking advantage of the current need for healthcare equipment to fight COVID-19. Just when you think scammers can’t get any worse, you hear about a multi-national scam team intent on taking money from healthcare organizations in their time of most critical […]

COVID-19 Emails go From Zero to Half a Million a Day in Just Three Months

According to new data from security researchers at Forcepoint, the interest in coronavirus-themed emails and websites by cybercriminals is cause for concern. As with any globally newsworthy story, the bad guys find ways to piggyback on the public’s interest. And while it doesn’t look like the timing of these malicious campaigns is perfectly aligned with […]

WatchGuard Technologies: Best-in-Class by Design

WatchGuard Technologies: Best-in-Class by Design WatchGuard’s XTM line of powerful, multipurpose appliances has been engineered to seamlessly integrate many security controls into one easy to manage package. Each security service leverages the advanced technology of a thoroughly vetted industry luminary (AVG, WebSense, Commtouch, BroadWeb, Kaspersky, etc.). Layer-by -layer, this stacks up to superior defense-in-depth when compared to the solutions of our competitors, who largely take a “do it all by ourselves” approach to tackling the many different and unique security challenges out there