Astaro Comand Center 2.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the General Availability of the Astaro Command Center Version 2.0. This new version introduces the major new ability to configure and manage IPSEC tunnels entirely within ACC itself.

By providing a centralized location from which to work with and deploy VPN tunnels between Astaro installations, administrators can save management time and automate many of the tasks involved in successfully linking sites together with encrypted links. The Astaro Command Center is an entirely free product that allows you to centrally monitor and maintain multiple Astaro installations & devices. If you currently are responsible for more than one Astaro Gateway product, ACC is designed for you!

Starting with this release, it is now possible to setup site-to-site VPN tunnels with an amazing degree of ease from within Astaro Command Center itself. Simply indicate the devices to be joined together via VPN, select a few options, and the rest is automated with no need to login to each individual WebAdmin for the configuration. ACC is presented in the same administrative style as our AxG Version 7 WebAdmin, so that if you are new to ACC you will have no trouble getting started within a familiar looking environment.

Astaro Command Center 2.0 Features

IPSec VPN configuration wizard

  • allows set-up of site-to-site connectivity with only a few clicks
  • supports RSA based authentication for high security environments
  • offers the same proven and efficient IPSec policy definitions as known from the ASG
  • supports static and dynamic IPSec connections (initiate, respond-only)
  • automatically imports locally accessible interface networks from selected devices
  • already-deployed VPNs can later be modified with the same wizard

IPSec VPN monitoring overview

  • shows VPNs currently managed by ACC
  • allows re-configuration of VPNs – enable/disable VPNs – delete existing VPNs
  • “at-a-glance” information covering: – tunnel status – deployment status – meta information (policy, auth-method, number of tunnels and devices)

IPSec VPN monitoring details

  • shows exact data on tunnel status, deployment, meta information
  • displays which devices are interconnected for this VPN

Extended Access Control

  •  introduces an abstract “Configuration” role which can be assigned for different devices
  • defines which users can change current and future configuration settings


  • There is currently no change in the ACC's FREE licensing model
  • The newly introduced configuration features are NOT enforced or restricted in any way
  • The free license can be used with the ACC V1.9/V2.0 software and virtual appliance
  • The free license is now valid until the end of 2009
  • Licenses for hardware appliances have not changed


  • The new features in ACC V2 require at least an ASG 7.400
  • The AMG/AWG line of products do not provide IPSec VPN functionality
  • Future configuration features in ACC might be applicable to AMG/AWG products as well


This new release is available as a software ISO image, a virtual machine, and ISO image for ACC appliances, along with Up2Date packages from ACC 1.903 and the ACC 1.980 BETA:

ACC ISO (Software Appliance):

ACC ISO (Multi-Point Appliance):

ACC Vmware ESX3 image:

Up2Date 1.903-2.000:

Up2Date 1.980-2.000 (for ACC V2 Beta users):

Astaro ACC Download Mirrors: Astaro USAstaro US2Astaro GermanyAstaro Germany2

If you want to provide feedback or want to discuss any of the ACC V2 features you should post it on our User Bulletin Board. Please take care to always(!) add the version you refer to (e.g. “[2.00] IPSEC Tunnel Wizard…”).

If you have feedback to our documentation (Online Help) please send it to There is also a demo server which will run ACC Version 2 in the near future: For further information, you can read the ACC V2 Release Notes here.

Your Astaro R&D and Product Management Teams


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The original article/video can be found at Astaro Comand Center 2.0 Released

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