Tag: Barracuda Load Balancer

Open Source Windows service for reporting server load back to HAProxy (load balancer feedback agent).

In general when you are load balancing a cluster you can evenly spread the connections through the cluster and you get pretty consistent and even load balancing. However with some applications such as RDS ( Microsoft Terminal Servers ), you can get very high load from just a  few users doing heavy work. The solution to this is to use some kind of server load feedback agent

Microsoft drops support for mstshash cookies?

Recently we have seen quite a few customer issues where using RDP cookies (mstshash cookies see – http://www.snakelegs.org for more details) seems to result in multiple active sessions over several RDP servers as shown below (Notice the user Rob on both TS Servers). So we decided to investigate this and find out why……..

Exchange 2013 – Microsoft finally have an email solution designed for high availability and load balancing

OK, So maybe my blog title is a little harsh. The Microsoft Exchange products have been pretty scaleable since Exchange 2007. Exchange 2010 had some vast improvements and you could tell that the Microsoft engineers had put a lot of effort into trying to ease the painful mess that was load balancing an Exchange 2007 cluster

Loadbalancer.org GmbH – Loadbalancer.org open German office and Exhibit at Cebit 2013

Loadbalancer.org are pleased to announce the opening of an office in Germany. Loadbalancer.org GmbH, Alt Pempelfort 2, 40211 Düsseldorf, Germany phone – +49 (0)30 920 383 6494 email – vertrieb@loadbalancer.org “ I have always wanted to open an office in Germany but felt I wanted a German speaking support team first ” states Malcolm Turnbull, Managing Director, Loadbalancer.org

Setting up HAProxy with Transparent Mode on Centos 6.x

Transparent mode with HAProxy allows you to see the IP Address of the clients computer while still having a high availability service using HAProxy. This posting shows how to setup a blank virgin installation of Centos 6.3 64bit minimum installation.

SSL Termination & The BEAST

Over the last few weeks we have seen more and more users reporting that they have run a security check on the SSL certificate thats installed on their Loadbalancer appliance using the Trustworty Internet Movement web site (https://www.trustworthyinternet.org/ssl-pulse/). The idea behind the site is basically to test as many SSL certificates on the Internet as

Upstart Script for Collectd

We have been doing some internal testing with Collectd. “collectd gathers statistics about the system it is running on and stores this information. Those statistics can then be used to find current performance bottlenecks (i.e. performance analysis) and predict future system load (i.e. capacity planning).