Boosting performance with network monitoring solutions

Boosting performance with network monitoring solutions

Boosting performance with network monitoring solutions

By Sharon Abraham

Technological advances and emerging networking concepts are constantly shaping our IT infrastructure. Networks are no longer limited to traditional networking constraints such as its static nature, but are continually evolving to improve efficiency by spanning across wired, wireless, virtual, and hybrid IT environments. This IT evolution drives organizations to advance digitally and support computational requirements to meet their business objectives. For crucial network operations to run without interruption, it is important that the underlying network infrastructure is carefully monitored for its performance and health.

There is no denying that a complex IT infrastructure enables organizations to effectively meet their computational requirements. However, the more complex the network becomes, the more complex the monitoring process becomes. With a myriad of business operations and critical processes relying on the IT infrastructure, your IT team requires a network monitoring solution that can provide a holistic view into your network performance. With various network monitoring solutions available in the market, it is important to choose a solution that boosts your network performance by enabling you to:

Visualize your network with end-to-end network coverage

The troubleshooting efficiency of your network monitoring solution ensures optimal network performance and health. A single network operation may require resources across your wired, wireless, virtual, and hybrid IT environments. Today’s IT infrastructures are highly segmented across networks, so it is important that your network monitoring solution enables you to visualize end-to-end network coverage.

Visualizing the entire network helps you effectively pinpoint emerging network issues and troubleshoot them with ease, regardless of their location. A network monitoring solution that supports network visualization saves IT admins time by eliminating network blind spots and reducing the time required to track down impacted devices. A network monitoring solution like ManageEngine OpManager serves as a “best practice” because it provides network topology mapping and business views for in-depth network visualization.


IT maintenance and hardware procurement can be expensive for organizations with large IT infrastructures and growing networking requirements. A best practice is to deploy network monitoring solutions that come with built-in reports providing various network performance metrics. These reports help you gain an in-depth view into your network performance and resource utilization trends and help you enhance capacity planning, and view insights in various problematic areas of the network. A network monitoring solution that helps you analyze IT resource utilization and performance metrics will save your organization thousands or even millions in IT maintenance and management costs.

Centralize your network monitoring processes

Network operations are complex and utilizing separate tools is not efficient or cost-effective. Correlating data from disparate resources to capture big picture details and useful performance metrics is a tiring task prone to errors and application compatibility issues.

It is important to choose a full-fledged network monitoring solution that can easily integrate with other monitoring tools and that provides IT operations management capabilities including configuration management, and IP address management. A network monitoring solution that enables you to integrate with ticketing and communication solutions enhances your team’s collaboration, monitoring, and troubleshooting efforts. This helps you centralize your network monitoring processes and avoid the hassle and capability issues of deploying different independent tools.

Automate monotonous network monitoring tasks

Network discovery, setting up monitoring profiles for discovered devices, and identifying emerging issues are some of the most time-consuming tasks for monitoring complex IT infrastructures. As networks scale, network admins are often challenged to identify, classify, and set up monitors for newly added network devices, perform repetitive maintenance tasks, and run preset tasks during network faults. A network monitoring solution that can automate these tasks can help your IT team save time and effectively monitor and manage IT operations.

Deploying a network monitoring solution like OpManager helps your IT team simplify these laborious tasks with features like IT workflow automation and Discovery Rule Engine. Using the Discovery Rule Engine, IT teams can easily automate the network discovery process. With the various device templates available, the discovered devices can be classified and the required monitors automatically assigned. IT teams can design and automate workflows to start, stop, or resume services, processes, and automate other tasks with over 70 workflow actions based on user-defined conditions.

Scale your network monitoring solution along with your network

As networks grow, they add more users, hardware, and virtual environments, and your IT team is tasked with the difficulty of maintaining optimal network performance. A scaling network poses several challenges, such as network blind spots, rogue agents, and resource overutilization. A great network monitoring solution that can not scale with your network isn’t helpful. It’s important to choose a solution that is scalable and can seamlessly integrate with your existing network infrastructure. Intuitive and powerful network monitoring solutions like OpManager provide several advanced capabilities, such as agentless, and agent-based monitoring that help you scale your solution along with your network. This helps your IT teams avoid several network issues caused by network blind spots and ensure optimal network performance.

OpManager: A comprehensive network monitoring solution for complex IT infrastructures

Looking for an effective network monitoring solution to simplify IT operations management and boost performance? Try OpManager—a complete network performance monitoring solution that enables you to gain in-depth visibility into your network resources. This reliable network monitoring solution offers:

  • Real-time end-to-end network monitoring with over 2,000 built-in performance monitors.
  • Centralized dashboard that enables comprehensive network monitoring from a single console with full network coverage even across distributed networks.
  • A scalable solution with various visualization capabilities that enable you to easily drill down to the root cause of the network issues.
  • Proactive fault management with multi level thresholds and instantaneous alerts.
  • Diverse granular network reports that aid in effective network performance evaluations and network audits.
  • A full-fledged network monitoring solution that is affordable and easy to set up.
  • A tightly integrated mobile app that enables network monitoring on the go!

New to OpManager? Download a 30-day, free trial or schedule a personalized free demo with our product experts and explore hands-on OpManager’s enhanced network monitoring experience!

** Optrics Inc. is an Authorized ManageEngine partner

The original article can be found here:

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