Tag: security updates

September 2020 Patch Tuesday comes with fixes for 129 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products

Needless to say, Monday blues are the worst. Well, how does “Tuesday blues” sound to you? Of course it’s yet another Patch Tuesday, or that time of the month when Windows administrators take one for the team. This month, Microsoft has released fixes for 129 vulnerabilities, tying with June 2020 for the most patches released […]

Patch Tuesday August 2020 fixes 120 vulnerabilities and two actively exploited zero-days

The second Tuesday of the month is upon us, and this translates to only one thing in the world of IT security: Patch Tuesday. Microsoft has released fixes to address 120 vulnerabilities, with 17 of them being Critical. With most of the workforce adopting remote work, IT admins are going to have a challenging time […]

Patch Tuesday June 2020—The largest ever, with fixes for 129 vulnerabilities

  Almost four months into the COVID-19 pandemic, all of us have started embracing the “new normal.” In terms of IT security, this means a huge spike in cybercrime and newfound challenges in securing devices that are now being used for remote work. With IT service giants like Cognizant succumbing to cyberattacks, regular patching is […]

50 vulnerabilities patched in January 2020 Patch Tuesday

The first Patch Tuesday of the decade has arrived with a bang. There’s been a lot of buzz regarding essential updates that were set to be released this January, and sure enough, the vendors have delivered! We’ve consolidated all the important fixes and more so that you can get off to a great start in […]

Bash or “Shellshock” vulnerability

Summary News is breaking about a major new high severity vulnerability, CVE-2014-6271 , with widespread impact. Gnu Bourne again shell (Bash) is a UNIX like command shell that is included in most distributions of Linux and also Apple OS X. The vulnerability allows an attacker to create environment variables that include malicious code before the system calls the Bash shell.

Adobe Patches Flash but Delays Reader Update

Summary: This vulnerability affects : Adobe Flash Player running on all platforms and Adobe Air How an attacker exploits it : By enticing users to visit a website containing malicious Flash content Impact : In the worst case, an attacker can execute code on the user’s computer, potentially gaining control of it What to do : Download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for your platform Exposure: Adobe Flash Player displays interactive, animated web content called Flash . Although Flash is optional, 99% of PC users download and install it to view multimedia web content.

April 2013 Patch Tuesday Bulletins are now Supported by Desktop Central

Microsoft April 2013 Patch Tuesday bulletins are now supported by Desktop Central. The patch assessment team at Desktop Central has tested the patches and have updated their online patch database on April 10, 2013 at 08:00 EDT