[Middle] Up2Date 5.202

Urgency: Middle(low, Middle, HIGH)
Size: 6MB (6,411,644 bytes)
md5sum: 32807f12f5ef8cc8639a07b5ecb940ca

Up2Date 5.202


  • Required previous version is 5.201
  • Existing configuration will not be changed
  • Please do not reboot the firewall before applying this Up2Date
  • Middleware will be restarted
  • Active IP and VPN connections will be restarted
  • Depending on the speed of the CPU the Up2Date installation will take a few minutes


(please refer to the known issue list on http://docs.astaro.org)
ID2276 Network and service definitions not saved to disk
ID2277 Roadwarrior-Connections with X509 and IPV4 are not working

Download Information

All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! The Astaro Up2Date technology makes it easy to upgrade your installed Astaro Security Linux to the latest version. There are three ways to apply an Up2Date package to the system:

  1. Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to “System -> Up2Date Service” and start a “Update now” in “System Up2Date. An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date process and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.
  2. Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to “System -> Up2Date Service” and enable “Prefetch Up2dates”. The System Administrator will receive a Notification email after an Up2Date package has been succesfully fetched and can install the Up2Date by clicking “[install]” on the now available menu item “Unapplied Up2Dates”. An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date installation and the System administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.
  3. Download the Up2Date package from our HTTP or FTP Server:
    HTTP: Astaro USAstaro GermanyAustralian MirrorAustria MirrorJapanese Mirror
    FTP: Astaro USAstaro GermanyAustralian MirrorAustria MirrorJapanese Mirror
    Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to “System -> Up2Date Service”, start “Import from file” and import the downloaded Up2Date package. After a successful upload click “[install]” on the now available menu item “Unapplied Up2Dates”. An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date installation and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.

To install Astaro Security Linux, you need the installation ISO image, available on our download page.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: PII > 400MHz
  • RAM: 128 MB (256 recommended)
  • CDROM: IDE or SCSI (see HCL for supported SCSI controller)
  • Harddisk: > 5GB IDE or SCSI (see HCL for supported SCSI controller)
  • NIC: at least 2 PCI NICs (see HCL for support chipsets)


You Can Learn More About the Astaro Internet Security Product Line By Going to www.FirewallShop.com/Astaro.

The original article/video can be found at [Middle] Up2Date 5.202

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