Day: October 17, 2014

POODLE Bites SSL – WSWiR Episode 125

October Patch Bonanze, Leaky Apps, and POODLE Cyber security has gone main stream, which means we’re getting a lot more security news each week than we used to. This week was even busier than usual, with updates fixing hundreds and hundreds of security vulnerabilities, as well as a significant vulnerabilities in a encryption standards. If you’re having trouble keeping track of the most important security info on your own, let our week video summary do it for you.

Safely Delegating Password Reset Capability in Active Directory

I have been preaching for years about how powerful Active Directory is in the ability to delegate control over certain tasks and certain objects in Active Directory. One of the most obvious delegations is giving a one group of users the ability to reset passwords for a different group of users. There are a few issues using the Microsoft solution, and those issues can cause insecure settings, hard-to-report delegations, and access to AD that is hard to find and remove