Delivering Deep Insights Into End User Quality of Experience

Hello All,

I am sure all would be in the holiday mood after Christmas and with new year eve just few days away thinking something related to Network, IT , Applications or on top of all that WORK is least expected. Well here I am trying to pass on few tips to have a relaxing holidays without thinking much about the load and performance your IT is taking and delivering.

my previous blog I introduced you to Gartner’s five dimensions of APM
and gave you a link to an APM digest blog where you got a deeper insight
into those five dimensions.

of the critical dimensions explained in that article was end-user
experience monitoring which, not very long ago, was considered a luxury.
The industry didn’t realize the absolute necessity of it until
businesses started to rely heavily on IT. User experience then became
that important layer where business and IT met.

Why is End-user experience so important?

Several clients ask this
question to consultants. I see the holiday season as the best time to
explain the importance of end-user experience. Let

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