Tag: learning

Wodonga Middle Years College Improves Student Learning with a Robust Xirrus 802.11n Network

As a fairly large school with 1200 students on multiple campuses, a reliable wireless network is essential to Wodonga’s goal of providing the best possible educational environment for their students. Wodonga chose to deploy Xirrus Wi-Fi Arrays to support their growing 1-to-1 initiative because they needed a robust wireless system that they could count on. […]

Raynes Park High School Accelerates Learning with Xirrus High-Performance Wireless Arrays

As a specialist technology college with a particular focus on science, maths, & design technology, Raynes Park needed a reliable wireless network to serve as the backbone for these programs. Xirrus was able to provide a high-bandwidth wireless network for Raynes Park that can effortlessly support their laptop carts with fewer devices and cable pulls […]