The US National Security Agency’s best practices for securing your cloud environment

The US National Security Agency’s best practices for securing your cloud environment

The US National Security Agency’s best practices for securing your cloud environment

Cloud technology has seen massive advances in recent years, and it’s only getting more complex. With such rapid growth, it can be challenging to keep up. As there’s no one-size-fits-all method to cloud adoption, and each unique cloud environment requires its own unique security measures, many organizations struggle to make well-grounded decisions related to cloud migration.

As cloud technology becomes more mainstream, hackers are capitalizing on the lack of knowledge many organizations have. 2019 was a year that saw some of the biggest data breaches on cloud platforms such as the hack on Capital One. Many of these breaches were due to poor or no security of the cloud servers, as was the case for Facebook. These breaches highlight the importance of securing your cloud environment properly.

With sound knowledge about cloud technology, enterprises can make informed decisions to set up and secure their cloud environments. To shed light on cloud technology, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has published a guide explaining cloud architecture, and the risks and vulnerabilities that come with adopting cloud technology.

According to the NSA, there are four classes of vulnerabilities that can affect a cloud environment:

1. Misconfigurations

2. Poor access control

3. Shared tendency vulnerabilities

4. Supply chain vulnerabilities

The reasons for these vulnerabilities vary from potential human error to vulnerability due to the design of cloud technology itself. Check out our e-book to learn about these vulnerabilities in depth, and discover how you can fix them.

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** Optrics Inc. is an Authorized ManageEngine partner

The original article can be found here:

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