Tag: breadcrumbs

Who Is the Antidetect Author?

Earlier this month I wrote about Antidetect , a commercial tool designed to help thieves evade fraud detection schemes employed by many e-commerce companies. That piece walked readers through a sales video  for Antidetect showing the software being used to buy products online with stolen credit cards.

Who’s in the Lizard Squad?

The core members of a group calling itself “Lizard Squad” — which took responsibility for attacking Sony’s  Playstation and Microsoft ‘s Xbox networks and knocking them offline for Christmas Day — want very much to be recognized for their actions. So, here’s a closer look at two young men who appear to be anxious to let the world know they are closely connected to the attacks. Kim Dotcom offers Lizard Squad members vouchers to stop the attack

Still Spamming After All These Years

A long trail of spam, dodgy domains and hijacked Internet addresses leads back to a 37-year-old junk email purveyor in San Diego who was the first alleged spammer to have been criminally prosecuted 13 years ago for blasting unsolicited commercial email. Last month, security experts at Cisco blogged about spam samples caught by the company’s SpamCop service, which maintains a blacklist of known spam sources