
In the last 6 years, ADSolutions has endeavored to remove the difficulty and mundanity out of Active Directory Management, and here it does once again with the release of ADManager Plus 6.0.

ADManager Plus 6.0 adds more cream to the pie!

Introducing features and enhancements available in ADManager plus 6.0

Automation User modification GPO management Enhanced Workflow

To start evaluating these and other new features 

Automation & Automation Policies

You can now completely automate crucial or routine Active directory tasks that deprive your IT administrators of their time and energy! With the use of “user management templates”, these automated process become totally systematized. Most importantly, you can set up rules/policies which allow you to automatically execute a task and also its related/supplementary tasks in a sequence and schedule specified by you.

When you want to track the automated tasks, such as the need to know when your automation was run, was it successful, how many tasks it involved or any such thing for that matter, the “Automation History” feature will come to your aid. It doesn’t end there, you no longer have to remember tasks or dates for follow up; ADManager Plus lets you sequence follow up tasks and automatically execute them at pre specified intervals…       Know more

Single user modification templates and rules

User Account Modification, an activity that keeps the IT occupied mostly, has a shortcut now! The customizable user modification templates and rules introduced in ADManager Plus 6.0 will help administrators to quickly modify user accounts, while standardizing the process as per their organization needs. They can define what tabs to hide and what tabs to show in the template during a modification process, which is an added advantage for AD delegation and automation

Not just that, newly introduced ‘modification rules’ feature lets you determine what values certain attributes should take under certain conditions specified by you. As the conditions are met, while a user account is being modified, the specified fields will be updated automatically…Know more

Group policy management

ADManager plus 6.0 relieves you from the chaos of managing GPOs! Introducing the “Browser based Quick GPO Manager”!!

ADManager plus’ GPO management features include:

  • Clear and quick view of all the GPOs available in a domain
  • Quick GPO map: In just a click, you’ve a neatly structured view of all the GPOs linked to a site/Domain/OU, or the other way around – all the containers to which a particular GPO is applied to.
  • Blocking/ Unblocking GPO Inheritance on Domains & OUs
  • Link GPOs to Sites / Domains / OUs
  • Remove GPO Links from Sites / Domains / OUs
  • GPO Links can be Enabled / Disabled / Enforced / Unenforced
  • GPO can be Enabled / Disabled[User configuration settings / Computer configuration settings / Both Configuration Settings]…Know more

Workflow enhanced!!

The ‘Workflow’ feature in ADManager Plus helps you to design and fit a standardized workflow structure for the Active Directory tasks in your organization. The workflow propels the Active Directory task through the configured approval staff. When managers and administrators assign tasks to their sub-ordinates for administrative ease, they might be apprehensive about losing control over task and worried about its quality or outcome. ADManager plus allows these managers or administrators to keep a check on the tasks as they are being done.

Furthermore, the new Workflow is equipped with ‘Assigning rules’ to channel the delegated Active Directory tasks only through intended workflow agents, hence making the process more efficient. It defines what task should be assigned to which workflow agent and what priority to associate with it.

‘Notification rules’ help notify workflow agents about the changes that are to happen or have happened, through mails or messages. This facility expedites the completion of a task, as crucial changes or requests are communicated to the concerned users immediately…Know more

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