Tag: zte switches sflow

Configuring sFlow export from ZTE and Edge-Core switches.

This blog is to enlighten you about configuration to export sFlow from ZTE and  Edge-core switches. ZTE switches: The sFlow commands for these switches are as follows: sFlow commands: sflow enable sflow agent-config ipv4-address sflow collector-config ipv4-address For each interface: interface sflow-sample-rate ingress sflow-sample-rate egress exit   Sample configuration sflow enable sflow agent-config ipv4-address sflow collector-config ipv4-address 9996 interface gei_0/1 sflow-sample-rate ingress 1024 sflow-sample-rate egress 1024 exit Note : Ingress and Egress should be enabled on all the interfaces and the sample rate for both should be the same. Edge-Core switches: The following are the commands enabled on these switches to export sFlow information: sflow receiver Destination IP Address> port For each interface: interface sflow flow-sampling sflow counter-sampling   Sample configuration sflow receiver 1 port  9996 interface te1 sflow flow-sampling 1024 1 sflow counter-sampling 30 1 No additional configuration is required apart from configuring these devices to export sflow(the one mentioned above) at a product level as it will automatically capture the packets reaching the server on UDP port 9996 and start displaying the data.