Tag: reload-image

Apache and X-Forwarded-For Headers

As a follow on to my previous blog, its easier to get Apache to log client IP addresses utilizing X-Forwarded-For headers than it is using IIS. By default, the logs do not record source IP addresses for clients but this is very easy to change using the LogFormat directive in the httpd.conf file as explained

GSLB – Why do Global Server Load Balancers Suck?

OK, Before the flames start let me state the usual caveat, “GSLBs don’t ALWAYS suck, just most of the time”. Here at Loadbalancer.org we have toyed with the idea of selling a GSLB (as most of our competitors do), it wouldn’t take long… to hack a decent PowerDNS interface onto one of our appliances… But every

G-Zip Compression and Loadbalancing

A couple of our customers have asked if our appliances would do G-Zip compression in the past we haven’t given it much thought. Then out of the blue a company offered us a card to test with http://www.aha.com/ and some of us in the office welcoming the opportunity to meddle with anything new jumped at