Tag: application-management

Curtail security exploits in applications and fortify your remote endpoints

The trend of working from home has hit the ground running, and businesses have turned to strategies and tools that will ensure a no-plummet productive environment. There are two major forks in the road when it comes to provisioning remote endpoints—users can use their own devices, or the company can hand over corporate-owned devices. Given […]

What’s today’s magic wand?

Around the same time a hundred years ago, chemistry was the most happening thing in the world largely due to the circumstances several nations were going through at that point of time. Governments invested heavily in the field of chemical research and a country that possessed rich chemical expertise was seen to be powerful and that which had an edge over the others. The use of chemical weapons in World war I  led nations to victory and empowered them with wealth, influence and power

Treinamento de gerenciamento de aplicativos e servidores: Server & Application Monitor (SAM)

bit.ly Venha participar do webinar em português sobre o software de gestão de apliações e servidores da rede, o Orion SAM da SolarWinds. Será uma apresentação ao vivo sobre as características do software Orion Server and Applications Monitor. Você vai aprender como a ferramenta funciona e poderá tirar suas dúvidas com o engenheiro da nossa equipe.