Tag: copyright

No its not a bloody free load balancer and never will be.

Last week we exhibited at Cloud Expo Europe, promoting the release of the new cloud products:  ENTERPRISE AWS + ENTERPRISE AZURE . We love trade shows, it provides a platform to meet existing customers as well as potential new customers. Several people visiting our stand mentioned the recent announcement that  Kemp Technologies have released a free load balancer . Understandably they were interested to hear if we would be responding in kind, however in his usual politically correct mood our boss responded with: “ No, its not bloody free and never will be”, Malcolm Turnbull – CEO Loadbalancer.org As usual we had a good chat with the guys on the Kemp stand, nice people, with a good product – but apparently they said they don’t compete with us. We really enjoyed meeting some existing customers and potential new ones.

XML Converter for Version 6.21 loadbalancer.org appliance

I was tasked last week with creating a long awaited appliance XML updater for Version 6.21 of our appliance which until now has been a matter of offering an upgrade service free of charge to anyone running on Version 6.21 of the loadbalancer.org appliance wishing to upgrade to our latest Version 7.6.2 appliance. We have been telling you our highly valued users of our loadbalancer.org appliance that this could take some time to complete, this was to allow support time to do the conversions.

Enhanced Microsoft IIS health checks using VBscript

By default, the load balancer uses a TCP connect to the port defined in the Virtual Service to verify the health of the real (backend) servers. For IIS this would typically be port 80. In many cases this kind of health check is adequate but for IIS this if often not the case.

Open Source Windows service for reporting server load back to HAProxy (load balancer feedback agent).

In general when you are load balancing a cluster you can evenly spread the connections through the cluster and you get pretty consistent and even load balancing. However with some applications such as RDS ( Microsoft Terminal Servers ), you can get very high load from just a  few users doing heavy work. The solution to this is to use some kind of server load feedback agent