Tag: adobe

IE11 0day XSS Flaw – Daily Security Byte EP.17

Beware of phishers leveraging a new zero day Internet Explorer (IE) 11 flaw that affects the latest, fully-patched version of Windows. Click play for details. (Episode Runtime: 1:35) Direct YouTube Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIKDoTGBaTU EPISODE REFERENCES: New XSS vulnerability affects IE 11 running on Windows 8.1  – Computer World Full Disclosure post about the flaw – Seclists Follow up post on Full Disclosure – Seclists Proof-of-Concept exploit illustrating the issue  – Packet Storm —  Corey Nachreiner, CISSP  ( @SecAdept )

Poodle’s Back – WSWiR Episode 132

Another week, another batch of information security (infosec) news. Would you like a quick summary, rather than hunting it down yourself? No problem! Just check out our weekly video every Friday. Today’s episode covers the Patch Day bonanza, lots of updates on the Sony Pictures breach, and a new twist on the “Poodle” SSL/TLS vulnerability

Adobe Patches Flash but Delays Reader Update

Summary: This vulnerability affects : Adobe Flash Player running on all platforms and Adobe Air How an attacker exploits it : By enticing users to visit a website containing malicious Flash content Impact : In the worst case, an attacker can execute code on the user’s computer, potentially gaining control of it What to do : Download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for your platform Exposure: Adobe Flash Player displays interactive, animated web content called Flash . Although Flash is optional, 99% of PC users download and install it to view multimedia web content.